Sunday, 5 March 2017

Your chance to get three Young Bond books signed with personal message!

With only 45 minutes to go this will be a very quick and short blog post today trying to help out Young Bond author Steve Cole and CLIC Sargent.

CLIC Sargent is the UK's leading cancer charity for children and young people, and their families. They provide clinical, practical and emotional support to help families cope with cancer and get the most out of life. They are there from diagnosis onwards and aim to help the whole family deal with the impact of cancer and its treatment, life after treatment and, in some cases, bereavement.

To help raise founds for CLIC Sargent Steve Cole is selling three Books from The Young Bond Series with personal message in each book

The books are The Young Bond Series: Shoot to Kill, Heads You Die, Strike Lightning

*****These books will be sent to you from the author*****

When this blog post is written the item has only received two bids and stands at £15. That is far less then the books cost new without any personal message so please make sure that a blog reader will be the highest bidder and to help out children in need with your winning bid.

You can find the listing here!

(The offer has now ended and someone bought the books for £16. A real steal!)

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