Tuesday, 26 December 2017

World exclusive interview with Fay Dalton

It took me months to get it approved but just days after Christmas I have been able to arrange an interview with Fay Dalton.
As many of you know Fay Dalton is the illustrator for The Folio Society James Bond series that will continue to be produced until the whole series is done.

But I guess that in true Christmas spirit our online interview with Fay was possible at last. So lets get to it straight away. 

1. How did you react when asked if you could do the Bond series for Folio?

Fay Dalton:  I was delighted and super excited but nervous to illustrate such a prestigious and loved series and to do fulfil such an epic brief with finesse and accuracy. I’ve been a fan of Bond since the first Bond film I saw as a child and never thought I’d get the chance to illustrate the original Fleming series, feels amazing to be linked to such a celebrated iconic British character.

2. Have you read the books? Any favourite?

Fay Dalton:  My fav book and film is Casino Royale. Maybe it’s because it’s the first novel and Bond has his first love and betrayal but the characters and structure is just perfect.

4. Your drawings are amazing and captures that 50’s feeling so good. Is that what you specialise in?

Fay Dalton:  Yes I’ve been specialising in the vintage painterly style for around 7 years. I’m always trying to perfect the style and adore the original masters of the 50s/60s, McGinnis, Maguire, Frank mcCarthy, Vargas. Illustrating Bond gives me the opportunity to stay true to the era and as vintage as I can.

5. What material do you use when creating your drawings?

Fay Dalton:  I use a mix of mediums. My roughs are pencil, chalk and acrylic. When roughs are finalised I re work them in acrylic and scan in for digitally painting. Although digital I try to keep the illustrations looking as painterly and textured as pos being careful to preserve that slightly gritty vintage appeal.

7. Will your drawings ever be able to be bought as reprints. Many fans hope so.

Fay Dalton:  I would love to sell a small edition of prints of a few of my fav illustrations. When I get some time I’ll make sure to.

8. What kind of material do you use as inspiration.

Fay Dalton:  The books themselves, the characters, the environments and description. The original art from the James Bond vintage film posters. The artists mentioned earlier.

9. What is your favourite drawing from the Moonraker novel.

Fay Dalton:  I don’t have a fav but if I think it would be between Drax’s moustachioed men and Bonds dinner between the beautiful Gala and Drax.

10. Do you create more drawings than used in the final book?

Fay Dalton:  No I try to stick to the brief and we agree on the selected text to illustrate, sometimes I might do a few attempts or angles on the same  idea.

Of course I also asked Fay if she could tell us which upcoming novel she is currently working on but she declined to answer. According to SPYVIBE The Folio Society will release Diamonds are forever, Goldfinger and Thunderball during 2018. Lets hope this is true. 

Illustration by Fay Dalton from The Folio Society edition of Moonraker by Ian Fleming ©Fay Dalton 2017

Sunday, 17 December 2017

My fantastic Ian Fleming birthday present!

A few days back it was my birthday and I decided treat myself with a truly nice James Bond / Ian Fleming collectable that I never believed would be mine.

But then I found one one Ebay and when I had received that one a new one appeared on Ebay. So I got some help from my English friend Alan to have it sent to me as well (a small tip for all Ebay sellers. to make sure you sell to the highest bidder, offer international shipping).

So I decided to shoot a small video while I open it.

But I do need to say that I am sorry for the poor picture quality. I need to learn more about my camera and I need to know more on how to take photos and shoot film when its dark outside to prevent all the grain.

I am also sorry that you get to see my belly from time to time. I am eating a medicine that has a side effect. It makes by body keep most of its fat and I have gained a lot in wight this year.

I am really giving you a great opportunity to play the game "try not to laugh" here.

So do focus on the actual package that is being opened.

Below is the video or if you wish to head over to YouTube you can do so here!

Friday, 24 November 2017

The James Bond secret agent blog's Black Friday offer!

So today the world (it seems) is celebrating Black Friday this Friday and then Cyber Monday on the upcoming Monday.

In Sweden (were I live) this is a quite new experience that has evolved a lot during the last three years.

But what would Black Friday be without an offer from this blog? Your so right...Nothing.

Our offer to you the reader comes in collaboration Audible. You can get a fantastic Audible membership offer this Black Friday and Cyber Monday: 50% off for 3 months!

New customers signing up to Audible via this offer will pay £3.99 per month for 3 months, instead of the regular £7.99 per month. Audible membership includes a credit every month, applicable to any audiobook, regardless of price or length. The books are yours to keep for life, even if they cancel. With over 200,000 titles to choose from, there’s something for everyone. 

You can get your hands on this great opportunity by clicking HERE!

A closer look at the Audible website tells us that All Ian Fleming novels are available and the six novels written by Raymond Benson. The Young Bond books are also there to enjoy.
The John Gardner novels are also available with the rest of the continuation novels, but only as purchase.

The books written by Roger Moore are all available and with narration by the legend himself, all exept Á Bientôt 

By clicking here you can see the ton of books on offer from audible with a James Bond connection. 

The offer is open until November 30th 2017. 


Monday, 20 November 2017

Pre James Bond photo turns 72 years today

There are not many photos available of Ian Fleming pre Bond. But around that time the was just a regular person like you and me.

During the second world war we know that Fleming was drafted to the Admiralty where he spend his days for all of the war helping out in all sorts of different work. A task that in the end gave him the rank of marine commander, just like his creation James Bond.

The most famous pre Bond photos of Fleming is the below one taken in the Admiralty in room 39 next to the open fire place.

This photo is republished in Vintage newly released Casino Royale book saying that it was taken today on November 20th in 1945. In other words, the photo is now 72 years old.

The below scan comes from my print of The Life of Ian Fleming by John Pearson. If you wish to buy that book from Amazon US or UK you can do so here.

Or if you wish to order the Casino Royale release by Vintage you can do so in the UK here.

Scan taken from the book THE LIFE OF IAN FLEMING by John Pearson

Thursday, 2 November 2017

The James Bond Vintage Classics are here

Yesterday a package arrived from Great Britain sent by Penguin Vintage Classics. I was happy to notice that it contained the three James Bond novels by Ian Fleming that they have published with a release date set for today, November 2, 2017.

Many of us were amazed by the cover design for these books by artist Levente Sabó. The illustrations are very cleaver containing a face with high points from that very novel. For instance on James Bonds face on the Casino Royale Cover you can see the car chase from that story.

So what about the size of the books. I did find them a bit small but they are not as small as the Viking/Penguin series from 2002 and not as big as the Penguin 2008 series.

I knew that they would contain an introduction by John Cork but they also contains photos and copies of letters of the book you have just read. This was a great opportunity they had here but sadly they used pictures of Fleming that are very common and the letters were all in need of some Photoshopping to make them much easier to read.

The books are still highly collectable and I would continue to collect them if they made more in the series. For the first time reader they must be a treat.

The suggested retail price is £12.99 but at amazon.co.uk they only cost £9.09

If you want to make sure the books are first editions make sure they bare the serial number 13579108642. The digit 1 in this series of numbers stands for a first printing.

To my knowledge these books can only be bought in the UK. IF you live elsewhere you need to buy them online and then I suggest Amazon.co.uk.

You can order Casino Royale here.
You can order Live and let die here.
You can order Goldfinger here.

The spine
Compared to other recent releases the Vintage Classics 2017 are quite small in size.
The back of the book with great quotes but I am still missing out on a picture of Ian Fleming.

Friday, 13 October 2017

Rare storyboard for O.H.M.S.S. sold today at auction.

As I write this a very large James Bond auction takes place at auction house Ewbank's in Surrey, England.

And one of the lots up for sale today was an amazing storyboard drawn by Syd Cain. The actual scene was the first scene from On her majesty's secret service where Bond follows Tracy down to the water and fights the bad guys and presents himself as bing Bond... James Bond

The story board is signed by both Syd Cain and George Lazenby.

I was hopping to be able to place some bids on this beautiful James Bond history but decided not to once the auction started. The final price became £1,900 + premium.

If you are a collector of any sorts you should focus on the really great things like this one and not just buy anything because it carries a brand of any sort. I spent my teens trying to buy anything that said 007. Those days are long gone now.

I am sure that most of you out there has something from today's auction. and you can see all the lots by clicking here.

Below is a picture of the complete storyboard. 

Storyboard by Syd Cain sold for £1,900

Wednesday, 11 October 2017

The next Folio Society James Bond novel is Moonraker

Sometimes everything in life does not turn out as planned. Some days ago I was offered know everything about the Folio Society's upcoming James Bond novel if I excepted that that I was under embargo until October 11 at 5 o'clock UK time.

The only trouble. I wrote down October 12th.

Anyhow 35 minutes ago The Folio Society went public with their new James Bond novel Moonraker that can be ordered directly at their website.

Included in this embargo was an early opportunity to see all of Fay Dalton's paintings and especially the fantastic cover she has made. In my opinion she has outdone herself and will have it though in the future to reach even higher level. I can also see how hush she seems to enjoy to draw women and that the fact that James Bonds face should always hidden in mystery.

All I can say is that I was earlier a bit sceptic about this release. Especially when I did not know if the complete series where to be released. Now that The Folio team has said it will and the drawings are fantastic and each book comes in its own slipcase there is not much to think about. I was given my book by the Folio Society today and I just love it. The cover is even better when you hold the book. It seems so massive.

I am all in and cant wait for the next book to be released. My guess is that it will be Diamonds are forever and hopefully we will see it out before April next year. But you never know. As it reads, just a guess.

You can order your copy of Moonraker from The Folio Society right here. and if you have none of the books you can order them altogether and get a 15% discount right here.
Illustration by Fay Dalton from The Folio Society edition of Moonraker by Ian Fleming ©Fay Dalton 2017

Illustration by Fay Dalton from The Folio Society edition of Moonraker by Ian Fleming ©Fay Dalton 2017

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