Thursday, 24 December 2015

My Christmas present to you all

So it is Christmas time again and I am sure many of you got James Bond associated gifts for presents. I did not but took care of that my self a few days back a bought myself around 15 new James Bond books for the collection. I will get back to these later.

But I felt the need to give all my readers a little something as a Christmas gift.

So here it is. The complete 27 minute interview with Ian Fleming, The creator of James Bond himself. It was broadcast on August 16 just two days after the passing of the writer.

I thought I would never get hold of this full interview but a little Googleing found a link to CBC (Canadian TV) with a link to the interview in full.

I have emaild CBC trying to make them print Bluray copies of the interview. If this will work out I will get back to this on the blog. I would love to have this interview on a Bluray not being affrayed that it will be taken down.

So here is the link to 27 minutes of pure Ian Fleming! Happy holidays to all of you!

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