Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Here are the ALL 19 covers of the James Bond comic VARGR, Issue 1

It was very long since a James Bond comic hit the stores. Finally the wait has come to an end.

Living in Sweden (as I do) we were very blessed for a long time when it comes to James Bond comics. Between 1965 and 1994 Swedish publishers SEMIC released around 200 comics. I do have them all in my collection and the ones between 1965 and 1980 had amazing covers with truly rare drawings of Sean Connery on the cover. I actually have one of the covers for sale as a reprint. You can find it here!

Now the new comic is called VARGR and the story is Warren Ellis and the strips are made by Jason Masters. Publishers are Dynamite. It hit stores last week and even I who live in Sweden was able to get my hands on the first issue the same day as it was on sale in the US.
I have just had a short look inside it so far. I actually intend to collect all the issues before I start reading them. One month apart is just two darn long to wait until the next episode. "Christmas only comes once a year" and for me it will come when all issues have been released. 

Now I am not to familiar with the Comic word any longer. I stopped collecting comics a long time ago. Therefore I must confess that I was really angry when I realised that the comics will be released in different shops with different covers depending on how many prints that comic shop actually bought. This truly feels like I way to fool the hardcore collectors into buying all different versions. That will never happen in my world. There is a saying in Sweden. Don't hit the hand that feeds you! Meaning that publishers should not make collectors angry, that might just end up in us loosing interest in their product. On the other hand I am aware of publishers struggling but this is not the right way to make revenue.

To the right you can see the official cover of issue 1.

So there is a whole bunch of different covers of the first issue of VARGR. As I remember, The Comic stores was offered their own cover if they ordered more then 500 copies. In other words, some of the covers are more rare then others.

I have therefore collected all different cover designs for the first issue I could find on the internet. And I must say that many of them has amazing covers that are far better then the official cover for the first Issue. I also like the James Bond 007 logo. Clean and neat with some work put into it.

Below you will find the 19 less common cover designs and some sketches for them.



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