Sunday, 1 November 2020

Fantastic Sean Connery book covers

It was with deep sorrow every Bond fan across the globe learnt that the first (if not counting Barry Nelson in the 1954 version of Casino Royale), and to many the best James Bond, Sean Connery passed away on October 31th, 2020. He reached the age of 90 and had a very long and successful career from the day he signed on to play James Bond in Ian Fleming's DR. NO. 

To honor his memory I wanted to share some fantastic Ian Fleming book covers from Sweden. They were released during 1965 in a series called "Zebra special" and had all paintings of Sean Connery on the cover. The paintings were done by Yrjö Edelmann (1941-2016) and are just fantastic to look at. 

Below you can find the cover designs using Connery's likeness. 

Casino Royale 

Live and let die


Diamonds are forever

From Russia with love




The Spy who loved me


  1. Below you can find the cover designs using Connery's likeness.

    Casino Deluxe
    GD Casino

  2. The content was really very interesting.

  3. Hello i have an orginal painting by Yrjö edelmann, the original painting to the bookcover of casino royal


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