Monday, 5 September 2016

Lazenby signed an ULTRA RARE 007 poster

As many of you know I got the chance to meet George Lazenby in Oslo Norway the other day. And I have promised the blog readers to share my interview with him.
All this will come soon because I have over one hour of video footage to look at and try to make my first video out of so I beg of some patience.

Now this blogs soul purpose is to share knowledge and thoughts on the James Bond novels. But when an opportunity to meet Mr 007 himself arrives the rules don't apply.

But since it is Mr Lazenby's 77 birthday today I thought I would share a moment in Oslo with you when he signed my ultra rare movie poster for ON HER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICE.

The artwork of George and Diana was never used so this poster never actually made it to the printers. In all my years of James Bond collecting (many by now) I have never seen this artwork on anything except on the cover of 007 Magazine #27 that came out in 1994 and since then I have always wished to have this hanging on my wall.

I asked Mr Lazenby if he knew anything about the poster and why it was withdrawn but he said he had never even seen this artwork up until last week when I showed him.

Mr Lazenby asked me if I wanted him to sign "007" after his name but I wanted him to sign "The other fellow". The line in the film that we hard core fans love so much.

I received this poster from my two dear friends Thomas Nixdorf at "THE NIXDORF COLLECTION - James Bond Poster & Art Archive" that owned the artwork and this has then been recreated peace by peace by the wonderful Peter Lorenz at Illustrated 007


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